Upcoming events.

NGC Celebration Sunday

NGC Celebration Sunday

Ignite Splash Bash

  • Kids should arrive in swimsuits, water shoes and sunscreen and go straight to their class.

  • They also need to bring a towel and change of clothes.

  • Water slide and other activities will be available for kids to play on after lunch. PARENT SUPERVISION REQUIRED.

  • If you would like to volunteer, please see Anna Guettler or Lisa Butler or you can email the church.

NGC Baptism

  • PLEASE talk to Lee ASAP if you would like to be baptized. You can text him at 678.249.8966

  • Baptism will take place immediately after the church service in the picnic area.

  • Don't forget to invite your family and friends!

First Sunday Potluck Lunch

  • After baptism

  • Please bring a main dish and a side or dessert to share.

  • Church will provide paper products and drinks.

Sons & Daughters Youth Group

  • Welcome rising 6th graders

  • Parent open house

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